
Thursday, September 27, 2012

The View From Above

I drove through Sardine Canyon today.

The colors were so vivid and vibrant.
There's something amazing about green leaves turning red and orange and yellow as fall approaches. It's breathtakingly beautiful and incredible every year. Then I noticed there were also junipers in the mix. Then I thought, I'm like the juniper, green all year, no explosion of color, so plain amid the other hues, not nearly as splashy or impressive as a ravishing red or a golden orange. But as I continued driving I realized that the places where there weren't junipers weren't actually that striking or impressive. The sameness was dull and boring.

What created the beauty wasn't just the vibrant colors but the contrast between all the colors. The junipers looked a deep, jade green against the oranges and amber while the reds looked all the brighter when placed next to the dark of a juniper.

Some of Heavenly Father's daughters are like the vibrant orange, others a dazzling red, while some are like a quiet yellow and still others a steady juniper green, but each providing contrast and each looking more beautiful and shining brighter because of the contrast around her. There is no perfect color, each daughter is who she is meant to be, who He has created her to be. He sees the much larger picture and the beauty such contrast brings. So whether you're a splash of red, a tangy orange, or any of the colors in between, be your own kind of beautiful and enjoy the view!

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